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Sentra Barat Fair
Sentra Barat Fair (SBF) merupakan pesta rakyat yang digelar rutin setiap tahun sejak 2009 di Jakarta Barat. Selain untuk memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Kota Jakarta, juga untuk mengangkat budaya Betawi..
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Hunting Betawi Culinary in Sentra Barat Fair

Sentra Barat Fair (SBF) which held routinely every year since 2009 in West Jakarta is a citizen's party to commemorate Jakarta Anniversary and introduce Betawi culture.

Sentra Barat Fair is to introduce Sentra Primer Baru Barat (SPBB) area as government and trading central to citizens

Mostly the visitors are interested to taste various Betawi culinary. One of favorite booth is culinary booth behind block B of West Jakarta Mayor building. There are 12 booths offered Betawi food and beverage.

"I often found kerak telor or gabus pucung, but for selendang mayang ice is very rare. I am very curious to taste it, and it's delicious," said Herman, one of visitors, Friday (6/13).

Kampung Betawi Enlivens Jakarta Fair

Moreover, Hj Muhibah, one of Betawi culinary booth owners, admitted that her turnover keeps raise since her first participation last year."The selling is good, but actually I can preserve Betawi foods and beverages," admitted Muhibah.

SBF was officially opened by West Jakarta Administration on Thursday (6/12). Various entertainments, arts, culinary, and competition are held there. We can find bird and beta fish contest.

The entertainment and arts are marawis, ondel-ondel, comedy, lenong festival, gambang kromong, Betawi band and abang none dance from Sub-dept. of Tourism.

There is also featured products and crafts from small and micro business in West Jakarta, South, Central, and East Jakarta, eight sub-districts, sub-departments, and etc.

West Jakarta Mayor, HM Anas Effendi explained, this activity is purposed to be publication and promotion event of working and construction implementation from Agency Working Unit (SPKD/UPKD).

“Sentra Barat Fair is to introduce Sentra Primer Baru Barat (SPBB) area as government and trading central to citizens,” said Effendi.

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